Monday, June 1, 2009

update on German Shepard:

The German Shepard I talked about earlier, we thought we found his owner, she was not the owner. we gave it to her to give it to her brother, he was extremely well trained. and then we found the owner, he wouldn't feed the dog, she gave him a lecture about how to feed a dog.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tim Tim

In an earlier post, I told about our guinea pigs, Timothy and Cc. Well, we went on a trip, he was old and ill. I left a long note to the pet sitter about how he may die while we are gone. He died the day we got back. It is so sad to look at the old dead colorless guinea pig, and then look back at young pictures. He died 5/18/09.
Born, somewhere around 2005 or 2004. We got him a year or two old. His poor brother was in shock for a few days.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tit mouse.

We had a titmouse bird fly into our house today, it was raining so we had the door open to hear the rain. We got some pictures of the bird and it flew up stairs and winded up behind the computer. It took five minutes to get it out from there. and finally sent it out a window.

We also had a German Shepard walk up on our porch a is staying the night. We will give him to the humane society this morning.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

pileateds are back

Last year, this same time, I had attracted four Pileated woodpeckers. Those woodpeckers are back for the year, coming to the feeder daily. They have started later than last year, last year they started coming in march. They just started coming here in May. This is a picture of one from last year. Yesterday they came three times. I hope to see them more.

We also have a blue jay nest and all the babies have hatched and are growing their feathers.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Chattanooga TN

I just got back from Chattanooga Tn, it was great.

There was a very long drive there and there were a lot of pretty hills. The drive did get tedious.

When we got there, we mostly laid around all day and watched T.V. We swam at the hotel a little, And went to bed.

The next day, we got up and went to an attraction called "Rock City". It is a very beautiful park with caves and cliffs. The sites were wonderful. And what really made my day was a raptor show going on. They first pulled out two eastern screech owls. those were cute. Then they took out my second favourite bird; the barred owl. It kept trying to fly off the arm. Then there was a broad winged hawk, a red tailed hawk, and then a kestrel. After that, they took out a vulture that thought it was a dog.
Then i got to pet the screech owl!

The next day, we went to the aquarium. The first building was real short, but pretty.
The second building was my favourite. they had birds as well as fish. first all I saw was a rose breasted grosbeak. then in the second room; they had my favourite duck, the hooded Merganser. i got a video of that one.
it was a great weekend.

Monday, March 16, 2009


At the end of the winter I finally get to see a pair of eagles! I have been waiting all year to see some and only now I do! They were real high in the air and I could see their white heads! I also saw a pileated woodpecker yesterday.

Friday, March 13, 2009

red poll

We just got back from a trip to north Missouri. While I was up there I got to see A bunch of red bellied woodpeckers, and I got to see my first common red poll!
Other than that, I didn't see any new birds.
I hope that this years garden is as big as last years. All the daffodils have already bloomed and the crocuses. Forsythias are very pretty right now.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

starting up.

It is very warm here, so we just started a garden. So far, all we have planted in seeds is; nasturtium, junior sunflower, and some zinnias. I have a bucket load of seeds, so it should be a good garden this year. I hope it doesn't mold up.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


A while back I posted about books I have read, I read more so here is an update.
sword bird
sword quest
guardians of GA hoole series
first Collier
coming of hoole
to be a king
golden tree
river of wind
war of the ember
red dragon codex
black dragon codex
bronze dragon codex
Brass dragon codex
Samuel blink and the forbidden Forrest
Samuel blink and the runaway troll

the fire within
Ice fire
Ulysses Moore the door to time
Ulysses Moore and the long lost map
Ulysses Moore and the house of mirrors
Ulysses Moore and the isle of masks
fable haven
second fable-haven
third fable-haven
Merlin's dragon


It has been a while since my last post, sorry for the wait.

I haven't been taking very many pictures of birds lately, I haven't seen any birds lately. Here are some of the best pictures of bird I have, some I showed in earlier posts, here's the best:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

6 inch slug

One day last summer, my father and mother were pulling stuff out from under the porch. There was a large drape that was filled with snails and slugs. There was even a slug that was six inches!

I saw my first Ruby crowned kinglet of Thursday of last week. My mother and I were going on a walk looking for eagles and saw the female ruby crowned kinglet. We also saw an osprey. I thought that was an eagle when i first saw it, but it had a white belly. I had fun. If you look real close, you can see the little bird in the pic.