Friday, October 31, 2008


Before the frost killed them, I had some nasturtiums. I had orange, red, and yellow. They just started blooming when the frost killed them.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Last year my grandparents heard a thump on their window. They looked out and saw that a red bellied woodpecker (named Boss Hog) hit the window. They thought that he would not live so they brought him inside and rapped a towel around him and took pictures. They put him out on the deck so if he revived he could fly off. He revived and flew off.

poor owl

one time my mother and I where coming back from the grocery store and I saw a poor dead screech owl. I did like studying it but I never heard any more screech owl calls for a year.

zinnia garden dead

I had this beautiful zinnia garden. But last night there was a frost and they all died. Along with the nasturtiums.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Troll under the bridge

My brother and I are real into fantasy, so one time when our drive flooded out we made a "Troll under the bridge."


This is our dog. His name is Tom. We do not know what type of dog he is, so we say he
is an alien sometimes. sometimes a cross between an ewok from star wars or a Benjie. He has this weird under bite.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

prarie dog

We went to a zoo and saw their prairie dogs. One was standing real tall.Then it squatted down. When it did that it looked really fat. That was a while back.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

ballerina moorhen

I took this picture when we went to Florida. The bird is a Common Moorhen. I thought it looked like it was practicing for ballerina class. It is a female Moorhen. I thought all the birds we saw in Florida where very pretty.

Friday, October 24, 2008

junior sunflowers

I kept talking about my junior sunflowers, well, here they are. All three heads open. Now i have only one head from them left for me to plant. I enjoyed having the little sunflowers.

three birds on a feeder

Here is when I saw a red bellied woodpecker sitting next to two chickadees. I imagined the chickadees saying to each other, "psst, I'm not so sure about that fella, He's pretty big." "Don't talk to loud he might hear you." I like this picture.

white cone flower

This is a white cone flower. We just got this one. I am fascinated with cone flowers along with zinnias. This one has had three flowers on it, the

picture is taken before the other two opened.

favorite flower

I learned that my favorite flower is now the Zinnia, especially the orange ones. Here is when a butterfly landed in my Zinnia garden. I am just fascinated with the way zinnias layer up, sometimes, this one is a single layer.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

so close!

One time my brother and I where sitting on the porch just reading a book. I heard a pileated woodpecker. I jumped up, grabbed a camera, and jumped in the back yard. I waited and waited. Finally when i got tired of waiting so I was about to go back inside... By the way, I had pulled a chair up right next to the bird feeder.... I heard a, whoosh.... whoosh... whoosh. I slowly looked up to see the feeder. I looked right in the eyes of one big pileated woodpecker!! I took so many pictures! All to find out that the camera could not hold any more pictures. Oh well, it was so awesome!


This is a pileated woodpecker, they are about two feet tall. This one came daily to the feeder about four times a day. They are very rare to see. They are so big it is amazing to see them.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


This is my brothers lizard, isn't she cute? Her name is stone. She is a bearded dragon.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Well, all my sunflowers molded. I may just start talking about the books I read:
sword bird
sword quest
guardians of GA hoole series
golden tree
river of wind
war of the ember

red dragon codex
black dragon codex
bronze dragon codex
samuel blink and the forrbiden forrest
the fire within.
fable haven
secound fablehaven