Thursday, August 14, 2008


Here is our butterfly bush that is crisp right now but it was so pretty when it did have blooms.My junior sunflowers are making their multiple heads.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


On our trip I saw seventeen new birds, that includes a Golden Eagle! We also saw a steller's jay. a white faced ibis, a gad wall duck, a American pipit, a pine siskin, a pinon jay, and a mountain bluebird. One of my sunflowers seeds are about harvest-able.

look how big

This is my biggest sunflower. One of my sunflowers crashed in the big rain last night, so we cut the head of and stuck it in a vase. I saw a rare hawk today, a Northern Harrier.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My sunflowers are so big! They are the Russian giant type. Ive had them for 6 months. I sure love them.


My favorite bird is the SAW WHET OWL and the RED BELLIED WOODPECKER. I have never seen a Saw Whet Owl but they are so cute! Here is a picture of a Red Bellied Woodpecker. I had such a hard time attracting one, but one day I got up to My Mom and papa saying that there is a woodpecker at my feeder.


A new junior sunflower opened it's head today. A few days ago I saw My first Black And White Warbler. I have two guinea pigs their names are Cc and Timothy. They eat, poop, and pee a lot. We are ( my brother and I ) writing a book called the Black Horn.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Favorite Sunflower

This is my first entry on my Blog.

I want to write my thoughts on birds and sunflowers - my two favorite things.

This is my favorite Sunflower that is now opening its head. It is Russian Giant.